
Heute morgen habe ich mich zutiefst gefreut. Ich begleite schon seit längerem ein Rostocker Paar fotografisch durch deren Schwangerschaft. Heute morgen erfuhr ich, dass es eine komplikationslose Geburt war, Mutter, Vater und Kind wohlauf sind, das Kind hinreichend niedlich ist und wurde wieder einmal darin … Continue readingBewegendes

#386/364 – Workshop (Holls challenge day 19 – something blue)

As always on wednesdays, I conducted one of my frequent happy model sharings in our studio. Todays model was Ann-Katrin, with outstanding performance. Both two pictures are just slightly developed, not photoshopped. A hair here and some eyebrow there are left but I focus on … Continue reading#386/364 – Workshop (Holls challenge day 19 – something blue)

#382/364 – reviewing Venice shooting (Holls challenge day 15 – something red)

Gee, red as todays motto? OK, I take this. I fit’s perfectly to AlItalia’s attitude towards handling my luggage: This night, I got for the first time in four journeys with AlItalia my bags already on the airport back, not days or weeks thereafter. Well … Continue reading#382/364 – reviewing Venice shooting (Holls challenge day 15 – something red)