Immer wieder beeindruckend, wie innerhalb weniger Tage die Natur explodiert. Fast unbemerkt wandeln sich die Farben des Sonnenauf- und Unterganges. Die schönste Jahreszeit beginnt, ich bin bereit für den Frühling. Der Lenz ist da…
Immer wieder beeindruckend, wie innerhalb weniger Tage die Natur explodiert. Fast unbemerkt wandeln sich die Farben des Sonnenauf- und Unterganges. Die schönste Jahreszeit beginnt, ich bin bereit für den Frühling. Der Lenz ist da…
Verehrte Leserschaft Hier ist seit über einer Woche kein neuer Post erschienen: Klammheimlich, still und leise habe ich mein Projekt 364 beendet. Auf dieser Seite wird nun für eine kleine Weile Ruhe herrschen. Sie wird jetzt umgebaut zu meiner Landingpage, dem neuen Webauftritt. Das wird … Continue reading#999/364 – Umbauten
You may already have seen a very similar picture. Bokeh pictures may nicely be taken in the wohnzimmerstudios studio. Here a result from one of my modelsharings, this time with my outstanding model Chris van de Ostsee:
My wife and I were at the baltic coast today. A bright and sunny day – I can feel spring to come.
That is a bad coincidence. Today’s daily theme symmetry is exactly the topic for mondays challenge in our fotoclub. So, be patient, I will add this pic later, once I won the competion. (++++placeholder++++) Later that day, we reviewed our experiences and pictures from our … Continue reading#389/364 – (Holls challenge day 22 – symmetry)
A kings home is a castle, a sailors home is the sea, a girls butt and a glass of beer, that’s home enough for me (unknown shanty, quiete truthfully) Not too much to report. I did not do many photographic things, besides of a small … Continue reading#388/364 – (Holls challenge day 21 – home)
As always on wednesdays, I conducted one of my frequent happy model sharings in our studio. Todays model was Ann-Katrin, with outstanding performance. Both two pictures are just slightly developed, not photoshopped. A hair here and some eyebrow there are left but I focus on … Continue reading#386/364 – Workshop (Holls challenge day 19 – something blue)
Yet another day with a difficult challenge. Even more, as I do not do architecture in my photograhpic ambition. On top, I try to combine the daily motto with my real world experiences. Can You guess, what I did today?
It starts to get even more complicated for me. I did not take any pictures today and I had no additional food during our weekly meeting of Fototreff Rostock, the local foto club. So, what to do now? Food, hmmm, let’s take a forecast on … Continue reading#384/364 – Klock8 (Holls challenge day 17 – food)
Well, there is a whole lot of love around. My beloved wife allows my photographic extravangances and doesn’t complain too much about all the barely clothed people around. And we just came back from Venice…. Thanks, Madam. Today, we went to Schwerin to the creative … Continue reading#383/364 – quiet sunday (Holls challenge day 16 – love)